Divine By Mistake
- PC Cast
Publisher: MIRA Books (UK)
Why I picked it up: To be honest I was looking for a third book in my local Waterstone’s 3 for 2 offer. While I’ve seen the House of Night series PC Cast writes with her daughter, they’ve never appealed me but this book is aimed at a more adult audience – there’s even a warning on the back ‘Not Suitable For Younger Readers’ and from the first page the heroine Shannon Parker personality shines through. I left the store with this as my third book with no regrets.
Back Blurb: The only excitement Shannon Parker expects while on holiday is a little shopping. But when an antique vase calls to her, she finds herself transported to Partholon, where she's treated like a goddess. A very temperamental goddess...Somehow Shannon has stepped into another's role as the Goddess Incarnate of Epona. And while there's an upside - what woman doesn't like lots of pampering? It also comes with a ritual marriage to a centaur and threats against her new people. Can Shannon survive this new world and ever find her way home?
What I thought: Not exactly an urban fantasy, not exactly fantasy, Divine by Mistake has an element of both while avoiding a lot of the clichés of both genres. There’s a woman discovering what she’s capable off in extreme circumstances. Shannon is not a regular heroine – she’s 35, a teacher, she’s underpaid, she’s never felt anything was missing in her life, she has no dark past. All this makes for a refreshing character in what has become a crowded genre for feisty but strong women. Having said that, Shannon is not some weak, crying useless girl but has a heart and soul and is very comfortable with who she is: I’d very much like to have a drink with her! In addition there is a Goddess, centaurs, an attractive love interest, evil vampire creatures intent on taking over the world, doppelgangers and some exciting battle scenes. One of the most refreshing novels I’ve read in a long – have gone straight out to purchase the rest of the Partholon series!
Recommended for: Traci Harding fans
Rating: 9 out of 10