August is over at last! Was it me or was it a really long month? Maybe because so much happened for me I felt like it was at a six week month! Still it was the month one of close friends got married. Not only was she lucky with the weather - we had gorgeous sunshine, but she also hired an old fashioned ice cream for dessert! This meant there was unlimited 99s available as well as all the lollies including Feasts, Fabs and Mini Milks! One of the best wedding desserts I've ever seen...
For those of you who aren't aware of what a 99 is - it's a soft ice cream in a cone with a chocolate flake in it - and it's delicious!
The ice cream van outside the reception! |
My contribution to the wedding - the Sylvanian Family Bride & Groom! |
So what impact did this have on my reading?
Throne of Glass - Sarah J Maas
The King's Spy - Andrew Swanston (British Book Challenge)
Timeless (Parasole Protectorate #5) - Gail Carriger
Side Jobs - Jim Butcher
Before I Go To Sleep - SJ Watson (British Book Challenge)
Falling Fast - Sophie McKenzie (British Book Challenge)
Unholy Ghosts (Downside Ghosts #1) - Stacia Kane (The TBR Reading Pile Challenge)
The Labyrinth of Osiris - Paul Sussman
Blood and Silver (Deacon Chalk #2) - James R Tuck
The Uninvited - Heather Graham
Blackwood - Gwenda Bond
In A Fix - Linda Grimes
The Assassin and the Underworld + The Assassin and the Empire - Sarah J Maas
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachett
Sarah's Reviews
None this month as she's been on holiday!
Author Interviews
James R Tuck - Author of the Deacon Chalk UF Series
Bloggoversary Update!
August was also the month when my little blog turned 2 years old! To celebrate I'm running a number of different posts usually with a giveaway attached. The first post - Happy Bloggoversary to Me asked you to ask me some questions. I'm going to be going through these in the next couple of weeks and will answering every question so look out for that.
I also did a post explaining Why I Love Urban Fantasy - and offering you a chance to win one of my favouriute UF books...
Look out for more such randomness in the next couple of week finishing on my birthday on 22nd September!
Regular Posts
In addition there were the usual wishlist posts, in my mailbox and Throwback Thursdays.
So updating the challenges -
British Books Challenge - 25 Read
2012 TBR Reading Pile Challenge - 29 Read

Honourable Mentions: Throne of Glass, In A Fix and Unholy Ghosts are all great starts to what will be hopefully be strong series!
What was your month like?