Friday 7 October 2011

Last Vampire: Phantom

The Last Vampire 4: Phantom
-          Christopher Pike
Publisher: Hodder’s Children’s Books
First published in UK in 1995
After five thousand years she was again mortal. The dead alchemist's experiment has worked. Alisa is no longer a vampire, but a frail and confused human. Not only that -- she is pregnant. The baby grows in her at supernatural speed. But what child will Alisa's seed produce? A demon or an angel? Alisa does not know...
This fourth book takes a very different turn for Alisa. She is no longer a vampire, but human again. And when she discovers she is pregnant she realises that sometimes, having everything you ever wanted will not make you happy. Instead of action, this time we get more introverted discussions as Alisa is torn between love and right. That’s not to say there isn’t blood involved – this is a book about vampires!
Christopher Pike has always had a fascination with the spiritual side and this shows here with miracle births, discussions on what love means and of course Krishna. I personally like that as it adds extra layers to what might otherwise be a fairly lightweight YA books, but it’s not everyone.
I read this book in a single sitting on the train – again less than 200 pages of very easy to read story. I definitely connect to Alisa more this time – although I was horrified by what she was doing half the time. As before the book ends on a cliff-hanger – more of one than before if you ask me and I do want to know  what happens next to Alisa, her daughter and of course Seymour.
Recommended for fans of Alyson Noel and Carrie Jones. 7 out of 10.


  1. What? She turns human after being vampire? Why would she want to do that?


  2. So this Pike is recommend to Noel and Jones fans...ok, I like that more ;) I wonder if the library has any Pike books

  3. Hm... short books... I think I'm wanting to see if the library has these...

    LOL @ Missie!
